My 7 work mantras

This morning I decided to share my "work matras" with my followers on Twitter:

  1. Always strive for simplicity
  2. Begin with the end in mind
  3. Work smarter, not harder
  4. Seek synergies, avoid waste
  5. Think reuse before creating
  6. Share everything that can be shared
  7. Be open-minded to ideas and opportunities

Right now I keep them in a note in Notes, but I would really like to put them on a wall or have them as my background on my devices.

If you are interested in illustrating or visualizing these mantras, please let me know by leaving a comment to this post. I would happily share your illustration or visualization here on my blog.


Below I will post any incoming illustrations and visualizations of my 7 work mantras below. Enjoy!

Linda Mill

Oscar BergProductivity